So, What is a Comprehensive Plan Update? Take the Survey.

2023 Comp Plan Update Process FAQ Flyer

We are pleased to provide you with our community survey to gain valuable feedback from Belle Isle’s citizens and business owners. This survey is a brief 14 questions that will help us create a community-based plan focusing on the next twenty years and includes topics such as housing, transportation, natural resources, development, and more.   QR Code or click on the link below.

Survey Link: City of Belle Isle Comp Plan Survey

The Comprehensive Plan Update is reviewing and improving the City of Belle Isle’s long-term plan for sustainable growth and development. The process involves gathering information, listening to the community’s input, identifying issues and opportunities, setting goals, and creating strategies to achieve them. The updated plan reflects the community’s vision for the future, addressing things like land use, transportation, environment, and social equity. It guides decision-making on how the community will evolve and improve over time, making it a better place for everyone to live, work, and enjoy.

An entire copy of the 2010 Comp Plan can be requested by contacting the Clerk by email or calling City Hall.



The City of Belle Isle has contracted with RVi Planning and Landscape Architecture to review and analyze its Comprehensive Plan to make recommendations for its updates. The Florida Statutes require all Cities in Florida to have a Comprehensive Plan and act as the City’s “blueprint” policy document for growth within a City.  This survey is available to obtain general feedback about citizen sentiments regarding specific growth-related issues within the City of Belle Isle. Please keep in mind that the survey is not meant to solve particular daily issues that most cities face, such as garbage pickup or code enforcement. Instead, it is intended for general feedback on urban planning-related topics that may impact the City over the next twenty to thirty years.

For example, one question asks residents to prioritize the need for additional non-residential uses like commercial, office, and industrial. If the majority of responses denote the City’s framework should remain the same as primarily a residential community, then the Comprehensive Plan update could include expansions to the City’s boundaries and will not focus on how to expand these uses through future development and redevelopment strategically,

RVi has created this survey specifically for the City and its residents. These broad questions provide important data to support plan updates as utilized in our past projects across the State of Florida. The information gathered from the survey will be presented to the City Council and the Department of Commerce (state reviewing agency). It will help guide the decision-making process for policy updates in the Comprehensive Plan. All these topics and key issues of concern to residents will also be explored at the community workshop in 2024.

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